Tuesday, February 27, 2007

another vid by me~

YAY another sucessful video completed!
its about the lv 113 priest video ( i edited it) with the character of SINofBANDITS.
haha its quite funny

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

lv 45 and 46~ and 91..

after a long break, my crossbowman is now level 46,,, but seems to me that the damage sucks.. and my main account has jsut leveled 1 level
and other random shots, i saw gm!

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Friday, February 16, 2007

4th jobbers vs clock/fish boss

once again going back to 4th jobs owning bosses like clock boss and pianus the fish boss
the first video is people owning clock boss. look at the bow master's SOA( storm of arrows) its not max because its quite slow

the second video is about people owning the big gold fish ( fish boss) hehe
they have a paladin! a rare chance! theres a mage wif the skill " spark" doing the highest damage. at the end the girl looted all the items LOOOL!!!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

lv 43 and 44~

after a long break from bloging, iv leveled 2 levels!

check my main blog for some cool updates ty

HEre's another video which i created! i posted it in youtube recently hopeu like it its a funny video

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Tuesday, February 6, 2007

funny and cool vids

funny and cool vids.. nth to say..

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Saturday, February 3, 2007

henesis Party Quest ( JMS)

the latest patch in JMS just released a new PQ at henesis! its required lv is 10 or more party members of 6 people the aim is to protect the bunny from the other monsters. i wonder if this is like other pqs where we must wait and track others this is quite cool

Here is a video made by pokgai

LudiBruim Labyrinth/Maze PQ

here is another JMs PQ i just saw in youtube and decided to post it here
the outline of the party quest is at a minimum of 3 people from lv 51-70 to do this quest, the maximum is 6 people.
the objective is to get as many passes in 15 minutes. you must find and break boxes fround in the maze to summon and then defeat monsters to get the passes.
the amount of EXP is according to how many passes u collected. Each pass is worth 25 EXP, to get a prize, you need to get at least 30-50 passes to get something.
Players need to form a shortcut to get to the minimum number of passes as each monster drops 1 pass to get small amount of EXP
There is 2 rooms which the boxes summmons taroumacis which drops 50 passes looking wheter you are lucky anot they not always drop 50 passes
the rooms are fixed and the monsters are not changed when u start the game the rooms u will spawn in will be random

Here are some vids of the quest

The second video is about a party not aiming just for taroumacis, they random go around to fight decent monsters


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Friday, February 2, 2007

lv 42~~!

yay i finally leveled up to 42 yay my mastery is max i like the animation when it shoots with full force so cool!
